Hafnar.haus residency brings artists to Iceland

In the Out of Sync artist residency, a group of 5 international artists were hosted for the first few months of 2024 in hafnar.haus, working on their own project, collaborating among themselves and getting their hands dirty in community run projects.

The artists selected for the residency were:
Christoph Matt
Isadora Alves
Ivar Teunissen
Nick Martin
Viv Li

One the highlights of the residency was the art-science project work on glacial landscapes in discussions with Prof. Guðfinna Aðalsgeirsdóttir, one of the lead authors in the latest IPCC report. Together with geologist Daniel Ben-Yehoshua, the group went to encounter the Solheima glacier in the South of Iceland. She presented their reflections in the group exhibition at Mengi, February 17th titled Sólheimar 1.5° / Art and science encounters on ice.

The hafnar.haus residency is a project of the Hafnar.haus member’s association. It is hosted by Uta Reichardt and René Boonekamp.

This residency was made possible with support from Culture Moves Europe.

In the below video, artist residents Ivar and Nick discuss their experiences and thoughts during their stay in hafnar.haus:


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